Rhino SRT 8

Everyone meet Aliya Dattu and her stunning Rhino Grey Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT

Aliya strongly believes that everything you do in life, is a representation of who you are, with building this vehicle being one of her dreams.

Building this vehicle, bringing her vision to life has been extremely important to Aliya. She is a strong woman who crafts, creates and continues to dream.

Rhino has become a place of peace for Aliya. She understands that we create our safe places for ourselves, and when she is behind the wheel, that is when she’s truly home.

@rhino_srt8, 8.8K Followers, 400 Posts

Make sure you show some love to Aliya and Rhino on Instagram @aliyadattu, and @rhino_srt8 respectively. Thanks for being so awesome Aliya, keep killing it!


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